Saturday, September 4, 2010

My true story....

Sa tatlong readers ko, I want to share something that I think is extraordinary. I was literally hyperventilating over this when it happened to me.
Let's start from the beginning....

This started a month ago when I was moved to the closing shift.. On my previous post I said that I was more relaxed on that shift and I get to use my colleagues' broadband connection in the office (at this time my broadband connection at home was cut off).

So everyday on the first week of my new work schedule I dreamt of having that kind of broadband connection at home (Sun broadband). I thought of using it everyday and eventually I started to picture myself using it with a laptop. So everyday when I’m on the bus on the way to work and home.. I kinda day dream about having my own broadband connection and my own laptop. And I tell you everyday I feel more happy and relaxed.

So Thursday that week I decided to borrow my friend’s Sun broadband modem to try it out at home and I was blown away with how fast the connection was.
So payday came (Akinse), I decided to get my own Sun’s post paid internet at home.. and I tell you there’s not one day that passed that I’m not happy with my internet connection. I’m using torrent download while watching youtube videos while talking to my dad via – video call on Skype… that’s how fast my connection is. Sorry mashado nang napapalayo kasi sobrang happy ako with Sun Broadband hehehe…

Going back to my story, so after a week of using Sun broadband my vision of me with a laptop grew much stronger. I was drooling over these images of laptops that I searched on google. I even asked my friend TJ (my techie seatmate) to make me a list of the best laptops he knows (and he did). Then one of my teammates (Rochelle Tolon) sent me this pdf version of the book entitled The Secret, she sent this to a few people and the body of the e-mail said that she wanted to share what helped her change her life. So I browsed through the first 20 pages of it and at first I really didn’t get it. It said that there’s something out there that will give me anything and everything that I want if I just think of it. I was skeptical and didn’t really focus on it and I just went back to browsing laptops.

So for like a week I was thinking of getting my own laptop, I was thinking of using my credit card and asking for my dad for cash to just get what I want. I was really ready to buy the laptop I want (Acer aspire) but I haven’t talked to my husband yet so I delayed my purchase.

August 23,2010, while I was talking to my husband via YM about getting a new laptop (btw, he agreed to buy one) my cellphone beeped and it was my friend asking if I know somebody who would want to buy an ACER ASPIRE laptop. I was like in the twilight zone while reading her text message and all of a sudden I thought of The Secret. As in… WTF moment ito. DI AKO MAKAPANIWALA as in! Was this coincidence? I think not. It was what the book was about; it was about the Law of Attraction. I finished reading it and I downloaded the movie and it was worth watching. It makes sense. The basic concept of The Secret is if you want something then ask for it and the universe will give it to you. Everyone has the power to get what they want no matter how big or small it is. And this is what I wanted to share; I want to share the secret that is changing my life right now.

By the way, I didn’t get the laptop due to reasons J And my good friend Rochelle is serving her last 12 days at the office since her business is doing so great that she can afford not to be a corporate slave anymore (how cool is that?). And as for me, well.. we’ll see. I’ll post an update pag nakuha ko na ang mga wish ko.. hehehe.. Kaya mga friends download the movie or read the book, I tell you, It’s worth it.


I just finished watching the movie right now and I went to Mr.Fitz's blog coz I wanted to check out if he has any articles on how to increase the chances of being on the top search list. So I typed "google" on his blog's topic search box and look what it listed first :

See.. he knows it too... hahaha

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