Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Mindset... from Sir Fitz...

Article worth reading...

The Real Gap Between The Rich and The Poor (and the middle class) Is Not The Money (Its their mindset)

Goals and Lifestyle
  • Poor: Survival; thinks from day to day – a hand-to-mouth existence
  • Middle Class: Comfort; thinks from paycheck to paycheck
  • Rich: Freedom; thinks from year to year and far beyond

Spending and Debt
  • Poor: Pays in cash or debts
  • Middle Class: Pays through credit cards and revolves debt
  • Rich: Pays through credit cards but pays in full monthly, knows how to leverage debt

Thoughts and Conversations
  • Poor: Talks about people
  • Middle Class: Talks about material things
  • Rich: Talks about ideas

Work Attitude and Mindset
  • Poor and Middle Class: Plays it safe, works just enough, satisfied with mediocre results
  • Rich: Takes calculated risks, challenges oneself to excel and be the best
Money and Opportunities
  • Poor and Middle Class: Scarcity; opportunities are few and money is hard to come by
  • Rich: Abundance; there are a lot of opportunities out there for me to make money

Attitudes and Motivation
  • Poor and Middle Class: Impatient; I want to live in comfort today
  • Rich: Delays gratification; I sacrifice today, so I can live in comfort for many days in the future

Luxuries and Obstacles
  • Poor and Middle Class: I cannot afford it. I cannot do it.
  • Rich: How can I afford it? How can I learn to do it?

Success and Wealth
  • Poor: Lottery, marry someone rich
  • Middle Class: Inheritance, advancement of career
  • Rich: Frugality, business and investments

Recreation and Fulfillment
  • Poor and Middle Class: Distractions and escapes (television, gossip, etc.), surrounds oneself with material things
  • Rich: Life enrichment, self-growth, helps and provides value to others

To read more about Mr.Fitz' life changing articles about money and success, just click the link on my side bar "Ready to be Rich"

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